'Speak Hebrew – love Israel?' will share some of my students stories and motivations for learning modern Hebrew, and their feelings towards the Israeli state. We will question - * Can we learn Hebrew in a non-political setting, as just a language?? * What part does love towards Israel/the Jewish people play in my student’s will to learn Hebrew? * And if so - have they also been brainwashed about Israel? just as I was when I was young? * Why would anyone want to learn IVRIT, my language, a beautiful language, and yet, as some see it - the language of the oppressor?

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
יהודייה "בקטנה" - אבל בישראל הרגשתי שייכת
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
בפרק החמישי בפודקאסט 'דבר עברית - אהוב את ישראל?', נשמע את הסיפור של גילה: אמריקאית, יהודייה ומורה לעברית בבית ספר יהודי בקונטיקט.
מהי אותה הרגשה שקשה להסביר במילים? למה זה קרה? מה היא למדה (ומה לא) על ישראל כשחיה שם?
מה דעתה על הכיבוש כיום, ועל ארגונים יהודיים כמו 'ג'יי סטריט' (J-Street)?
סיפורה של יהודייה "בקטנה", שמצאה בישראל שייכות.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Being a Jew by choice - finding a Jewish heritage in my Polish ancestry
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
In this episode, Magda, a Polish Hebrew student in the SOAS Language Centre, will speak about how she decided to convert with Reform Judaism, finding her Jewish ancestry which was unspoken about in her family;
We will also speak about how Jews and Israel are perceived in Poland today, and why is Israel normalised, while stereotypes about Jews still prevail;
While converting in West London Syangogue she studies Biblical Hebrew, Magda will explain why she decided to learn Modern Hebrew.

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Judaísmo y literatura latinoamericana - una historia de inmigración
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
En este episodio, Valentina Litvan, investigadora de literatura judía sudamericana de la universidad de Lorraine en Francia, va a hablar de su historia personal que le llevó a aprender hebreo moderno. Vamos a escuchar sobre autores sudamericanos como Juan Gelman, distinguir entre los conceptos de tradición y transmisión, y cuestionar qué es lo que lleva a un judío a seguir siendo judío y de qué manera; también vamos a aprender un poco sobre las inmigraciones judías a América Latina (a las Américas), el vínculo entre sus comunidades e Israel, y la lengua hebrea.

Sunday May 31, 2020
Who is the world more obsessed about - China or Israel?
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
My Chinese-Canadian student Fay in an honest discussion about the similarities and differences between Chinese and Israeli/Jewish people, including education, money and culture of debates. Listen to Fay and find out:
- How do Chinese and Israelis perceive the West?
- How do we perceive each other?
- Who is the world more obsessed about - China or Israel?
- Who's "worse" - Israel and the settlers' treatment of Palestinians, or China's treatment of the Uighurs?
Enjoy and feel free to comment on any of the themes discussed..!

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
a British Muslim studying Hebrew - why do some Muslims become Zionist?
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
In this first episode of 'Speak Hebrew - Love Israel?' I interviewed Zain, a British Muslim who studied Hebrew at SOAS University of london, spent 6 months in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and even taught Hebrew in a synagogue in London.
Listen to his story, and get nuanced perceptions on some very complicated issues e.g. antisemitism, islamophobia, and Zionism. Try to understand: How do some Muslims become Zionist?